Tuesday, December 27, 2005

In which I have no excuse...

... for not posting more.

Civilization 4 has eaten my life. That's the only reason I haven't touched the blog since Christmas, nor written about the following:

-My parents spending Christmas at my new apartment in Ciudad Colon.
-My glorious snorkeling trip in Cahuita National Park, from which there will be underwater images in a few weeks (once the ancient disposable film returns to Canada for development).
-The continuation of my glorious culinary adventures in Cahuita.
-The endless staccato detonation of firecrackers that has punctuated nearly every waking moment since the second week of December.

Actually, I will post about that last one at the moment (the rest will wait). As I intimated when chronicling my brief adventure in Nicaragua, noisemaking is a cherished practice here and interrupting the peaceful slumber of another is not generally considered rude in Central America. What I've just realized is that virtually all the pyrotechnics that pulverize my sleep have no visual effects nor complex whistles... just a simple "Pow". That is, they don't entertain their ignitor, nor provide a sparkling beacon by which to track and tenderize said miscreant. Their explicit sole purpose is to wake people up.

That's the most obnoxious minor irritation I've ever encountered.


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